„Yes he band! Todays Turkey and the freedom of press and expression“
Since 2013, Freedom House defines Turkey as “Not Free” and European Commission 2015 Turkey Report underscored the significant backsliding in the areas of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in the country. Subsequently Reporters Without Borders has in its 2016 World Press Freedom Index ranked Turkey as 151 out of 180 countries. They reported that the “Journalists are harassed, many have been accused of “insulting the president” and the Internet is systematically censored. The regional context – the war in Syria and Turkey’s offensive against the PKK Kurds – is exacerbating the pressure on the media, which are also accused of “terrorism“ (RSF; 2016).” As the well-known saying goes “there is freedom of speech, the freedom after speech cannot be guaranteed” currently in Turkey.
This Tueday two fellow activists from Turkey we discuss with us their experiences and give us their insight on todays turkish realities.
Beginn 20h – Come and discuss with us!
Precarity has no borders – Freedom for all!
18h-20h Precarity Office open. Foods, drinks, mutual advice session and organisation